Friday, December 24, 2004


I got a good sleep last night. I feel so fresh and graceful . made myself a cup off coffee and ate an apple danish...and ofcourse enjoyed my stick form the wide wild west called marlboro. checked my yahoo mail and got an notice from good old friend who will visit me in 4 days from tel aviv. Wow it was 11 years since we knew each other. We were both in college then; so naive; so enthusiatic about things in life. we dated and became kind of boy friend for a while. Then he moved back and forth between NY and israel . i remember he was so lustful . Some times we hung out in the east village( so different from nowaday ), I used to held his wallet and bottle rolling rock while he fooling around with boys in the dark room at wonder bar where i used to lived across the street next to the power plan. As he came out from there i could smell the poper on his Tshirt. " i could not see the guy 's face but the thing was huge" he talked to me and reached out for the beer from my hand . What a buddy i was then. No regret. Now i am so called his older brother just ' cuz i am few month older than him. Well i can kick his behind if he misbehave but he always got away with his with giggle laughing that melted me. I was his first.....on his birth day with a bottle champain and strawberies . It was a pretty cold day in feb 1993. Our youth had been up and down with troublesome since, but the friendship , the feelings ain't fading way. I embrace it and being graceful for who we were. we are and will be.


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